Wednesday, May 14, 2008

American Idol Top 3

Syesha--Hey, she picked it up with her Andrew Lloyd Webber performance, and yeah, she can sing, but generally, I'm bored. I was bored last night, even with "Fever." I have been liking her hair lately though.
David A.---So cute, such a pretty voice...B O R I N G... No offense, Archulta fans, I've just never actually wanted to listen to anything he's done twice. Last night...same old, same old... I'm even a Billy Joel fan, but Paula should've given him "Uptown Girl" or something that might have made David A. a little less boring. Of course, he probably would've ruined it by getting all croony and putting a bunch of vocal modulation in, but the Billy Joel song was certainly the best of the three.
David C.---Last night wasn't his best (for me that would be between "Hello" and "Eleanor Rigby") but as usual...not boring. I really liked his "First Time Ever I Saw Your Face"---Simon was right to give him something out of his general realm---it's always cool to see what he'll do with songs like that (that's why I actually hope to see him sing one of those awful songs written for American Idol). David's own song choice...okay, but nothing special. The Aerosmith song...I thought he sang it very well (and yes, Kelly, the violins were cool), but I guess I missed a thing, because I never caught the vision with that song, and I even like Aerosmith---come on, you gotta love "Love in an Elevator"and "Dude Look Like a Lady"---but seriously, I'm a big fan of "Cryin'" and "Angel," but I guess I do wanna miss a thing. Anyway, you get the idea....I think David Cook was far better than the other two.

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