Friday, May 9, 2008

The Scarlet Pimpernel

WARNING: This may give something away.
Begad, this book rocks! I don't think I'd read it since high school, and it was like falling in love again for the first time. Come on, he kissed every spot on the stairs her foot had touched! Odds fish, m'dear! That's demmed good melodrama. I took a long time reading it because I had to reread everything Percy said about six times for the pure joy of it. Lud, I have such a crush on Sir Percy. I admit it. I don't think Dan minds. I suspect he's got a man crush too. If you haven't read it, you are in for a smashing good time. Maybe I should embark upon the sequels.


Relle said...

I'll never forget when I was about thirteem and my dad slapped that book in my hand and said "Here! read this. You won't be sorry!" Boy, he wasn't just whistling "The Marsielles"

Relle said...

Oops, thirteen.

Debra Christiansen Jacobson said...

I vow to read it... sometime!